I think dash worx is gone.called two weeks in a row.day or night no one is home !!. nice way to run a company.
I got a quick response from email last night, like within 2 hours and I sent my message at 8pm EST. Now I am trying to figure out if either board will work with my ignigiton setup. I am running an older Allison,(now Crane) XR3000 points to electronic conversion. It appears it is not a multi spark like the msd and this is the response I got from Mr Heaterbox on eBay -
"Hi David, the 'msd' board is used for a LOW VOLTAGE tach signal input (12v max) usually connected to a box output on an ignition box. The 'non-msd' is for the standard high voltage application on coil negative (signal is actually a 200V pulse spike on the coil terminal). So if your crane outputs a 12 v square wave whose frequency changes with rpm the msd flavour will work fine for you. Hope that helps. -Brent"
I am going to call Crane Cams later to see if they can answer the question but does anyone here know the answer or how to tell?