now THAT'S what i call a welcome! if i miss replying to anyone who asked a question that hasn't been answered by someone else, remind me! i'm only firing on about 2 cylinders anyway, but...
Mt.St.BigBlock, that's technically my Pops' garage, but at the time i was the only one working in it (he likes to say i invaded and took over, but he loved every minute of it-reminded him of some of his exploits). i don't think he ever did any Hamm radio, but he was a radio operator in the Vietnam war, stationed in Germany, so who knows? i will ask though.
4c, thanks for the hand while i was out man. :thumbs:
72Chall77Doba, it IS hard. was a hard decision to leave her, but kinda traded one HER for another HER if you know what i mean. at least i didn't do something stupid like sell her though! nice pun too!
rtgambit, i have quite a few pics of the resto. i tried to document every step so i can put together a website for her, btu just haven't had time to get it going yet.
Burpin Chunks, i'm a graphics/web designer/ translation helper at a company here in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan called Allied Telesis. we do R&D for the parent company Allied Telesis. also drink lots of Sake and eat yummy Sushi and foods with names too long to be worth saying.
whitesatinmopar, i'm a Ky boy (or is that "ah'm ah kin tucky bo'ey"). what kind of accent do you get when you mix hillbilly and Japanese? scary thought.
ragtopchally, the Mag500s are actually the original set of wheels that came on the car. it's the little things like that, that make me lov ethis car even more.
again wow, thanks guys! talk about makin a guy feel welcome! i also own a 72 Roadrunner with the GTX option package (the only way a GTX existed in 72), and a base model 68 383 Roadrunner. not sure if i have any pics of those with me, but if so i'll put them up soon. meanwhile here's another shot or two of my Cuda.
Certainly nothing wrong with that my friend, although I've migrated a bit north (Ohio) I am a Kentuck boy myself. But I must correct you some, Kentucky produces "country gents", the hillbillies are from Tenn. and W.Va, lol.