Has anyone with the Unisteer Rack and Pinion had any issues? I just bought my Barracuda 3 weeks ago and within 3 weeks of owning it the steering completely failed during a drive, it was terrifying have the steering wheel spin freely while driving but I luckily didn't hit or hurt anything. I managed to get it home by duct taping an allen wrench through the joint, but it was a scary ride back. I can't be sure it was ever properly installed but I did get paper work that showed it was installed at a professional shop about 5 years ago. The pin that connects the steering shaft to the 1st u joint is gone, and the joint also looks pretty mangled at one end (pic below). Question for you guys (and gals) is 1. I am just that unlucky and this is a very rare event? Should I fix it and move on ....or.....2. Has anyone gone from Unisteer back to stock and if so any recommendations towards firm feel or other items like that. I have alot to learn so any advice is appreciated. My goal is to make a this car handle so I can take it to club track events. (My last fun car was a race prepped miata).