Lot of negativity aimed at new cars at shows at the secondary Mopar site. My opinion - YES! Show them a that you can. I'm from an area that doesn't have new muscle motoring by everyday, let alone sitting in the dealer lots. It's much nicer to see these cars in person, rather than relying on pictures on the web. I like seeing the interiors and everything else. Whenever I go to a car show, I like seeing EVERYTHING. Off brands, foriegn stuff, muscle, everyday mundane cars in good shape, high dollar, low rent, you name it. Why would anyone even complain about something like this? You don't like it, you walk past it. What a bunch of whiners. Reminds me of the Goodguys, not wanting certian years of cars involved until their attendance dropped so much that they had to include newer cars. Whiny people baffle me. lol.