Yup thats a pretty cool picture!!! I actually spoke with one of the guys who was in charge of that whole promotion. He was one of the 3 in the picture. I have his name and other info on that and will dig it up and post when I find it, from what he told me they got all those cars in a deal they made with Chrysler to sell the 70 340 Dusters. They would take all the AAR's that other dealers had on their lot (they couldnt sell them) in return they would take a set amount of Dusters and sell them with special incentives and or rebates. They actually had all 3 transports wait at the end of the town and had a parade through town to the dealership with the Superbird you see in the pic leading the way, and a T.V. crew filmed it for the local news. He also told me everyone who worked there drove a muscle car. It wasnt unusual to see Superbirds and Hemi Cudas being driven by sales people and service guys and managers. They were one of the largest muscle car dealers in that area at that time. its a staggering number of all the muscle cars that went through that dealership and they arent mentioned in the same text as Mr Norm is but they should be. Thanx for the pic!!!