Need Help! Texting While Driving

Author Topic: Need Help! Texting While Driving  (Read 340 times)

Offline go-fish

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Need Help! Texting While Driving
« on: September 19, 2013 - 03:40:15 PM »
Hello Cuda-Challenger friends,

I am reaching out to you because I feel confident that you all are compassionate people because everytime someone posts about a dilemma or tragedy there is an overwhelming response.

I have not been very active on the site in the past year or two because I have gotten out of the military and have been going to school for an Associate's in Fire Science Technology and Emergency Medical Technician. I have used the leadership instilled in me by the military to take on the role as the President of my student organization, Southwestern College Fire Science Club. I also work at the college as an Emergency Manager. With the club, we volunteer at local fire departments and with institution like the Burn Institute which helps burn victims recover from horrific injuries. We periodically hold fundraisers that benefit the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation.

The Southwestern College Fire Science Club has recently partnered with both AT&T and the California Highway Patrol to stop texting and driving. As we all know this is a serious issue on our roads and has caused multiple deaths and serious injuries. What the Fire Science Club asks of you, is to put an end to texting while driving and take the pledge. Please look at your cell phone and read the last text message you sent or recieved. Is it worth dying for? Typically when someone dies as a result of texting and driving the message in question reads something like ,"on my way", "OK", or something to that effect. Your eyes are diverted from the road for approximately 5 seconds when a person looks at a text. Travelling at 65 mph that is nearly the length of a football field. Would you close your eyes for 100 yards while driving down a busy highway?

This contest winner will receive $1,000.00 for their club. These winnings can pay for more club events, volunteering efforts, and most importantly donations to the National Fallen Firefighter Foundation. We are not asking much, all we ask is for you to text and ask you friends and family members to text:


SWCFIRE  “IT CAN WAIT” to 464329


Contest has started and will end on Monday the 23rd of September, 2013 at 5PM. Text messages are free of charge. Please do not participate in this contest while operating your car!  :nono:

Thank you,

Offline go-fish

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Re: Need Help! Texting While Driving
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2013 - 11:43:42 PM »
Thank you for your words and your wisdom in raising your children. If you could get your kids to text and ask you friends and family members to text:
SWCFIRE  “IT CAN WAIT” to 464329
it would go a long way for us.

Thanks again.