I bought mine from Tony's Parts a couple years ago at the Mopar Nats. I opened the box when I got back to my Durango. I was not impressed. The PS grain pattern was all messed up. I took it right back. I was told that the grain gets distorted when the part is removed from the mould. Some are worse then others. He searched in the trailer and found one that was better...not perfect by any means. Since my original one was cracked and since originals go for stupid money, I went with the repop.
When I got home, I test fit my original top plate and it wasn't even close to fitting. I emailed Tony and he said he's seen that before too. The console deforms when it's taken out of the mould. I bought a replacement top plate for $15, took a grinder to it to make it fit the console, and finally installed a new decal. It looks fine but it was a PITA to get it to fit.
BTW i got a repro top plate from PG which looks to be good quality, but the fit into the Year One console is far from perfect. I'm not sure it its the console or top plate that's out.
I bought a repop top plate from BE&A and it was HUGE. It was way bigger and thicker then the original ones. The woodgrain sticker was a joke too. Totally wrong color and the wood lines were all blurry. It fit the console worse then an original top plate. I sold it this past summer for a $20 loss. I made sure to tell they guy how it fit on my console before he bought it.