The 3 18' 2" black pipe used for bracing the bases are NOT included in a new purchase. E-body frame stiffners are not included. I have 2 here. The convertible stiffener brackets (you can see them on the top of the unit bases) are not included in a new purchase. ($195) Extra set of brackets to mount on the frame. There are a few other extra pieces too.
Here's what I have to go with:
1- Convertible Frame Stiffener system ($195)
2-Unibody frame stiffeners ($90)
2-Body balancer kits
1-wheel kit
2-hydraulic ram jacks
3, 18ft, sectioned, 2' black pipe for base and convertible bracing
and othe misc. parts.
Its the extra stuff for ebodies and convertibles which make it add up to more $.