In sixteen easy steps!!
1. Decide to take your car out to fill the tank the night before a big Mopar show.
2. Mention this to Chryco, and have him suggest that he will tag along "for a cruise"
3. Make your way to the gas station 2 blocks away, putting your foot into it every chance you get.
4. Pull up to the pump and proceed to fill the car with super while Chryco goes off to grab hisself a big burrito at Tacotime.
5. Finish filling the car with gas, and cruise on over to the Tacotime to wait for Chryco to get his food from the trainees behind the counter.
6. When Chryco gets into the car, feel all warm and fuzzy inside when he remarks that he can hear the car rumbling from inside the restaurant.
7. Leave the parking lot and go on a cruise to see Chryco's new pad only a couple blocks away.
8. After checking out the pad, pull a quick u-turn to head back while Chryco munches on his supper in the passenger seat. (Please make sure the u-turn is quick enough that some lettuce falls out of his burrito onto the floor of the car.)
9. Pull up to the set of lights next to the now infamous Tacotime, and look at the oil burning rust bucket next to you and decide to show him how a real car sounds.
10. While dropping the car into 1st gear, visualize your tires smoking. Make sure you fail to see the cop in an unmarked Suburban stopping for the red light.
11. Pretend you are watching the tree on the quarter mile, and bring up the revs and put on the brake. When that light changes green, BAM! Hit it as hard as you can and listen to the glorious sound of rubber meeting pavement at high velocity.
12. Attempt to figure out what Chryco is trying to say to you with a mouth full of burrito... It sounds something like "vwere's acop over vwere in dat buburban.."
13. The word "acop" registers something in your mind as you notice the badge on old smokey's shoulder and watch the red and blues start to flash behind the grill of the ghost truck...
14. Let off the go pedal as fast as is humanly possible and proceed to coast thru the intersection prepared to pull over and get your just rewards for such a job well done.
15. Stare in amazement into your rear view mirror as the lights turn off and the suburban doesn't budge... Make sure you take a breath in order to calm the gallons of adrenaline now coursing freely through your body.
16. Listen to Chryco joke about how you should go out and buy a lottery ticket as he continues to eat his late-night dinner.
Make sure you don't miss any of these steps, or it may not work for you!