Take a middle of the road approach. Use 6-8 jackstands to support the car, shim between the stands and car to verify its level, weight the car down anywhere its required to level it, weld in supports. This avoids locking in any wedge the chassis may have developed without going all out to push/pull it into perfect condition.
Yes, a body shop can put it on a frame machine and tweak everything to blueprint spec, if that is desired. However you probably would have to provide the blueprint, which are typically found in the FSM Body manual. The best most could do without that is verify everything is equal and not bent.
If you want to at least verify proper locations of major frame components, you can use the FSM Body Manual or the MP Chassis Manual to understand the plot points to check yourself. Again this is best done on 6-8 jack stands with heavy string, a plumb bob and tape measure. it isn't precise within a degree like a shop's laser system, but it is pretty close.