About a year ago the thread with the membership list ran out of space. At that point, some members who had put their names of the list were left off. At that point I looked into having a database function added to the board, but apparently there's nothing to do that function, so we're stuck with a list, or lists.
I've been thinking about this off and on since then. The best idea I came up with was to divide the existing list into several smaller lists. I posted a trial run of that idea earlier in the month for comment. People seemed to like it, but a couple of other ideas came up:
1 - There are a fair number of inactive members on the list including people who have barely posted and then never come back. Some folks have suggested deleting the list and letting current members repopulate it. I'm concerned that that would tick off some people who've already entered themselves once.
2 - The next issue was keeping both lists, but having only the newer version active, while the old version would be archived.
I'm not comfortable doing any of these without getting some comments. There have been a few comments already in the other thread, but I think we need to get a larger sampling of the membership to see what people really want.
Feel free to ask questions or post comments below.