Saturday I put a long scratch in the rear quarter thru the billboard down to metal when backing into the garage too close to the bike.
What brand and color paint did you use, mine is same color. I could probably get by for now with black to match billboard but thinking of taking the billboard off.
I am using TC Global paint, I bought it online. I will admit up front that it is not the same as Mopar Sublime. Before I installed the engine, I had painted the engine compartment with some actual sublime I was given by a friend who ran a resto shop. When I painted the car I masked off the engine compartment believing I didn't need to paint it. When I unmasked it, the difference was very noticeable so I had to repaint the engine bay.
Evidentially there are many shades of lime green/sublime etc out there so getting a match may be an issue. When I was getting read to paint this car, I had ordered a gallon of "sublime" from Eastwood, then I realized I would need at least 2 gallons, however Eastwood discontinued the color and I was stuck with the one gallon (which I still have). I then went online and found the TC Global product and purchased it.
If you are going to remove the billboard and repair the quarter AND it is Mopar sublime, I would highly recommend you go to a automotive paint store and have them mix the right color (the color formula is online I believe but a good paint store will have the formula). You are going to need at least pint but probably safer to get a quart at least.