Again.......not real well schooled on this subject. I'm try to dial in my 340 and it seems the more I read the less I know. Can anybody tell me how to figure out how much total mechanical advance I have in my distributor? I'm not even sure I am asking the right question. What I am trying to do is get my initial timing around 12 and my total at about 36. These numbers I was told are a pretty good place to be for what I am using the car for. As a driver, cruise nights, and such. I don't know if I can get to these numbers. If my distributor has too much advance in it can it still happen? :dunno. Then as I read more info the vacuum advance comes into play and gets added into the total timing...........banginghead. Any advice and input is welcome and please remember I don't have a bunch of background on this so you are dealing with a :dummie.
Thanks in advance............pun intended