One of the best dogs I ever owned, was owned by a neighbor. kept on a 6' chain tied to a tree. Black Lab mix. Owner beat it regular with a 2 x 4, because it broke the chain and jumped the fence. One day, owner was loading him up. I asked what he was doing?
Owner said he was taking him to be put to sleep, because he kept breaking the chain and jumping his 6' fence.
I said I'd take him. he was 1 year old at the time.
One of the best dogs I ever had the pleasure's of owning (or did he own me?)
My fence was one of those garden wire things that are about 1' tall. He never jumped it once. If he could figure out how to open a gate, Hell YEAH! he would be gone! lol. And he was smart enough to do just that.
Any gate, any type of latch.
Off squirrel hunting/barking. That was about it, though. Never jumped a fence when I owned him. One of the best dogs I ever had.
Had a weird habit, of being friendly when people came over. Then going off to a corner and growling and drooling for a few moments, then snapping out of it and being a happy boy once again. Unnerved people,
undestandably. It was a bit scary. But I attributed that to his upbringing.
I detest people that maltreat animals. That's all.