73-74 bucket seat foams
`72-74 seat foam
Not sure about them being reproduced but how about 70 Challenger front bumper guards?
being made, in stock
Challenger SE rear vert moldings. Jerome verboten used to make them.
Challenger SE vert ( as in convertible ) moldings. Never heard of a SE convertible. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Your correct, but RTC is correct that it was Jerome Verbit that made the long trim for Challenger verts years ago...
I just bought those mouldings from Metro, see my post below. My Challenger Conv. has the SE trim package, maybe an option?
Got a link? I'm talking about the Long pieces ; similar to the cuda ones.
Here, now they lowered the price to 159, right after I paid 199 for mine....
I'm talking about the long quarter pieces that go near the rear window: