It appears you definitely had some heat buildup above the warp... At a minimum, I'd jumper the ammeter by moving the ammeter - wire over to the + wire terminal (both wires on same post). This will make ammeter inoperable, but safe from generating more heat. Also perform the bulkhead wire bypass (prevents overheating the bulkhead connector and subsequent meltdown). A search for mopar bulkhead wiring bypass will get you a lot of information, such as this... a voltmeter to monitor battery and ammeter charge. I installed one below dash, and won't look back on ammeter.
As far as the warp goes, you may try a black plastic spine from a presentation folder (one of the ones with clear plastic front). Some have a slide-on spine that fits over the back edge on both sides, and is about 1/4" thick along edge that would fit up against your radio front. I've never tried this, mind you, it just popped into my pea brain as a quick trial fix... another option is using a plastic dowel welded or glued to top side of warped area.