Jim -- The factory TUFF wheel is a little slippery IMO, and there are better replicas offered with better grip (and at 14" diameter instead of the Grant 15" TUFF wheel)... its a simple bolt-on/swap... although.. I have chosen and tried/favor smaller 11.5" thick/padded diameter for quicker steering action (make sure you use a SAGINAW only power steering pump!... the FEderal pumps cannot keep up with quick LRLRL actions, worse at higher rpms which you'll do during pylon AX).
I've never (yet) installed a roll bar (not "required" by rules in my SCCA AX E/SP or other club's HSAX classes... I'm considering an eventual 4-6 pt roll bar ... or else a removable cross bar... just for the harness (currently mounted straight down behind the seat... not ideal/safest). Eventual SFCs to be added (past SCCA rules didn't allow welding... later changed ~early 2000s... then I took a break/hiatus from the SCCA AX.... now back since 2010 doing HSAX with a different group/club for track days/HSAX/HPDE... goal is competition HSAX series with the
www.mcscc.org ... my car is in rebuilding/restification stage now until ~2017. FUN and good social events!... including W2W Pace Car occasions!
Despite not having a roll bar or SFCs, the car is very stiff with the 1.24 TBs, stiff leafs, Koni shocks, 1.25" f/1.0" rear sway bars, etc.... and well-sorted over the years of AX and more recently HSAX track days... and very streetable (highways preferred.... avoid "street" bumpy roads, etc).
You should determine a club's set of "rules" for the class you'd prefer to run in.. study those rules/classes... and build/modify accordingly... less mods=less overall expenses.. and possibly better competitive results.. higher-mod classes=higher expenses/tougher competition... active drivers probably have more track/experience time and sorted out their car better vs a newbie... but again, time behind the wheel doing the AX/track days will be your most desired goal for improvement.... the "nut behind the wheel".