They are OK but obviously aren't like the replacement pads. I guess it's up to what you can afford at the time. I went for the replacement through Lengendary for the Chally, but used the plastic cover for the Runner clone. Either way I'd say you must remove the dash for the best fit and ease of installation. Also let me recomend that you use the adhesive ONLY around the edges of the cover and all openings within it. DO NOT use the glue on the top portion that faces the windshield (except around the defroster vents and speaker) ! This plastic has to move with the heat and cooling of sun/shade. If you glue it solid it will bulge and probably crack between glue spots because it can not flex with the temperature change. Also some triming may be necessary and give ample time for the adhesive to cure, I also used long strips of cloth to tie/secure the cover as the glue was curring, be patient, wait at least 24 hours before reinstalling the dash. The plastic covers do look nice enough, just not like the replacement, but there is at least $400.00 price difference too,lol.