As, I said a few posts up, I have seen it before. I learned the hard way to check the holes.
Hope that does the trick. Nice to be ready for spring
I think what got me was that 1) it came up on summit as what I needed for a 4150, 2) it looked the same in hand,
3) there were lineup tabs on the main body of the carb that the gasket fit over, which to me said it was the right one.
But, live and learn. At least this documented nightmare may keep someone else from experiencing it.
So, in summary, car was acting weird due to bad ground on 6AL box, then Summit sent me a bad coil, then
I put the wrong gasket in. And, my variable timing unit tested bad. Like I got hit with 4 diff things all at once! Out of service for 4 months, but at least it always ran the previous 25 years, with a few hiccups here and there. But, we will see when I get the right gasket in a couple of days, if all is well.