Then the next step is setting timing and idle mixture screws to best idle (highest vacuum and idle speed), keeping idle down around 800-1000 RPM with idle speed screw...
Without an advance limiter in dizzy, do timing for highest vacuum/RPM at idle speed, then SLOWLY adjusting each of the idle mix screws till get fastest RPM, then lean out each screw 1/8th turn (lean burn idle).
Knowing exact timing with light is critical... can get adjustable timing light, or mark 36 degrees advance on balancer so can use standard light... Chryco gave a dimension in one of his posts for how far to the right of TDC (when looking at front of engine) to make the mark... just a tad over 2 inches, I believe, on standard balancer.
Chryco would recommend setting timing at 3,500 - mechanical is all in by then, so will set your maximum advance... but then you are stuck with whatever the idle timing is... in my case, it put it at 6 degrees at idle, and my cam likes 18 for starting and idling best. Since I do mostly low/part throttle cruising, with occasional 'stomping', I set idle timing to cam's optimal, then made limiter plate to only allow another 16 degrees advance, for total of 34 all in...