If you are thinking of a new dist, Mancini has 10% off this weekend, Fri-Mon. They sell the Firecore dist. Discount code #LaborDaySale
tman Thanks for the heads up on the sale.
With nothing to lose I took the distributor apart, shimmed the bottom shaft tighter to about .008". For the upper shaft (that the rotor sits on) it is supported by a nylon bushing, trimmed it down about a 1/16" so the rotor shaft now sits lower just barely above the mech advance weights. Checked with play-do now rotor tab isn't smashing into the top.
also adjusted reluctor clearances ended up with variances from .006-.012.
Engine fired right up, total at 34 at about 3k RPMS and initial is 14. Haven't had a chance to get on the road yet because of course the power steering started making a grinding noise and the key sheared so the pulley and the pump shaft is now garbage.