You need longer sway bar links to use a B-body axle housing in the E-body. It is not much of an angle to attach them, and it makes no difference. Don't waste your time with offset rods, since they are likely to rotate, out of wack. I bought the factory bar kit back in 1976 from the Ply. Dealers parts dept. I think it was $125, and it lined up with factory frame holes. The key here is for the bar to sit correctly between the frame rails and not touch anything in it's range of movement. I also pay attention to the side view of the bar to point above, towards the front spring hangars.
I am planning to buy a FF frame hung for my A-body Cuda, since all the rest of the designs are a welding and visual mess. Firm Feel asks the measurement from frame to housing, so they can send the links they know will work.