Just several hundred posts....
TK at the computer:
Tk talking to Knuckle: :pissed:
TK when his computer goes down: :cry:
TK when he has a customer problem: :madvibe:
TK with an employee problem: :gripe:
TK when driving behind a honda: :mad:
TK when driving behind a Chevy:
TK when driving:
TK while looking in the rear view mirror:
TK when he can't figure something out: :newsad:
TK when he gets ticked: :outtahere:
TK working on his truck
Tk being tought a lesson but Frank :spank:
Tk understanding the lesson that has been tought by Frank: :worship:
TK at the bar (he's the one on the right): :wasted:
TK when he reads this post: :boxer: