ok so, what I have figured out is the original rod hooks into the arm off of the door handle lock cylinder arm, with no clip as the rod is bent to fit into the arm. the original lower end of the rod has a tapper and has a grove about 1/8 inch from the end, this pushes into a little retainer that is flared when installed into lower connection on door latch assembly and has a lip on the inside which clips into place when rod is pressed in.... the problem is cant find any original style new or used clips of this style. and all repro rods sold are solid with no grove. so far all "correct clips" for this style I have found are too large diameter wise where it attaches around the rod or too long where it cant clip onto rod as the rod is bent very close to the end.
looks like a jerry-rig trip to napa may be needed.
what have other people done to connect these rods?