Yep! Ordered Tach from Roseville couple of days ago, coming in next week. Using a signal generator I can now simulate the signal from the coil. Thanks!
So the total cost plus shipping was about 225. I have my original to compare cosmically and was told if I don't like it I can send it back for a full refund as long as it's not installed. So a signal generator can produce or generate a signal that replicates the signal from the coil so I can verify functionality on the bench. All I need is 12 Volts and the generator. The generator can produce with the user pushing buttons on the front panel any sort of signal at any freq at any amplitude within the specs of the SG. So I know that the signal is a pulse so that looks like a square wave and the amplitude is 5-6 volts with the duty cycle (on/off of the pulse) at 50%. So it pulses 'on' for the same time it pulses 'off'. The freq determines the rate of duty cycle or in our case the simulated RPM. I don't have my notes in front of me but for say 267Hz which is cycle per sec, one times that by 60 for minutes than divide by 8 for number of cylinders and then multiply by 4 for stroke fired on 1 firing stroke and divide by 2 for 1 firing stroke for 2 cycles. I'm rereading and I hope this makes sense. Thanks for all the input!!interesting...that some complicated stuff there! Im amazed you could find the rate of cycle to match our RPM's and the break down from there! I always wondered how they calibrated a tach while it was out of the car