That’s my plan. I really appreciate the advice. Building this car has been fun, exciting, frustrating and painful all at the same time. I grew up hotrodding Mopars but it’s a whole other experience when you change pretty much everything and now have to gain an understanding of how something works and why it works in order to make it work. This situation is a perfect example, in the past if I had a car that wasn’t charging, I’d swap out the VR and if that didn’t solve it then the alternator (and perhaps anew VR). But I would have never given any thought to the wiring because it was factory. Now everything is suspect and I have to dig deeper to understand and solve these problems (obviously with the help of guys like you). Just goes to show that no matter how much experience you have you can always learn.
Anyway, sorry for the rambling and thanks again. I am going to try a new alternator and will post the results