Still slaving away on the car, I had to order some AMD upper trunk gutters, mine are not super bad but it will be much easier to just use the replacement pieces.
I decided to remove the tilt front end to gain access to the front end so that I could mock up the engine/trans and make some motor mounts. I was pretty happy that it wasn't welded up as I was thinking it might be, there were really only a couple of spot weld. I am going to replace the down tubes and add some more tube to strength up the front end, plus I am going to increase the tube size from the 1.5" it is now to 1.75".
Put the mock up in the engine bay, tried to position it near where it will live. I am going to cut of the stock motor mounts and make something new because there really is not a good way to use them.
I do need to get a new steering box, I am looking at some of the smaller boxes. Since I have a manual box now, I would have to source a core and then have it rebuilt. I did look at some of the parts stores and online sources and stock one are available but I would rather get something that steers a little better than stock, plus I would like something smaller, I need all the room I can get.