A pair of original 70 or 71 Hemi exhaust manifolds for 6,000.00. Rusty/SE will tell you.He was with me.
The talk went something like this...
topcatcuda notices the Hemi exhaust manifolds on the ground; no price; handwritten NOS tag attached
tc asks the one fellow nearby "how much for these?"
first the fellow asks "do you know what they are?" (duhhhh
tc correctly identifies them as Hemi exhaust manifolds to which the fellow says "6" :cool: :cool:
a moment of silent consideration goes by as tc considers a major item found and obtained :fire: :fire:
then tc asks the inevitable clarifying question "6 hundred??"
Santa Claus biker lookin' guy then proudly informs us... "6 thousand" :eekbig: :eekbig: :ack: :outtahere: :dontknow: :dontknow:
The search continues... :coffee: