We thus far have attended 15 shows (counting Carlisle), sometimes just one of the cars and sometimes both, and we have won 12 awards/trophies. But the ones that mean the most are the points/judged shows. Other than Carlisle of course our best surprise was a big 4th of July show (judged with classes) and the Charger/ Challenger took 1st and 2nd in our class, but we only had to compete against maybe another 25-30 cars, in the over all show there were about 400 cars registered. And the show raised over $3000.00 for the local fire department and the guy who won the 50/50 gave back his share to the department as well, my kind of guy, remembering why we go to these fund raiser shows ! Seasons about over, we hope to possible get to a couple more - weather permitting.