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Hey well I have been deployed one month now, and I have to say I have been busy! Once I got up north I got hooked up with some of the baddest dudes in our Area, There nick name in the unit is the Cowboys becasue its like the wild west every time they leave the gate!!! LOL!!! So I have seen action! I helped lead that Company Commander (Cowboy 6) while out on mission to tracking down the local "Rocket Man"! With my sly and brutal questioning tequnics I was able to lead them to a house where they had more info concerning this person! And more questioning followed! Well this group resisted pretty well so we handed them over to the Iraqi Army for further persuasion and whala they came up off his name and they went and detained him. I saw the rocket man today and was able to lay my hands on him and put the fear into him! Drill Sergeant style. Tommrow is the elections and the way we are looking at it here is its win, win if they constution gets approved then great if it gets voted down that is great! If its voted down then it proves that the system really works so its win win!!! I do stop in from time to time to check up but dont really have the time to write! I will however try to update you all when I can. I hope all of you have a great halloween my son is being a power ranger the black one so that is pretty cool. I just wish I was there to spend the time with him and my wife. Well guys and lovely ladies I will go for now!
Cuda Guy