Man a whole lot of varried peanut butter snacks here, but there are definately some I will not try. And I agree with most, make it smooth baby, so much more flavor I think.
Now, some of you are going to think I'm nuts (no punn intended), but some people are deathly allergic (sp) to any peanut product. Just Monday in our paper (but not a local story) there was a story where some young girl died from injesting a peanut product. I've heard of this before, but here is the weird part of this story, supposedly she dies, yes from the peanut product, but she "got" it from a kiss by her boyfriend, he had been eating either peanut butter or some peanut butter candy? I didn't read the complete article. Now, if someone thinks I'm making this up I'll gladly scan and post that story for you. I hate to make light of such a tragic story, but that boy had to have had one long tongue !