My finals arent too bad, i took one early, my integrated pest managment class has a take home test and my dairy nutrition is a group oral final (not what it may sound), its a very in depth and complicated class so its better than a writen test. Most dairy science majors like me are from dairy farms, and most of us return back to farms. Some become dairy nutritionist (they make diets for cows) and some work for farm credit which is the major ag lending company in the US. Some of the classes i've taken include, dairy cattle principles, dairy nutrition, herd health, dairy cattle selection, farm business managament, farm finance, marketing, ag business strategies, soils, weed managment, grains, forages, whole farm nutrient management and i'm also taking a class on wines next semester. Thats a majority of the classes we take, i didnt take them all but most of them. Its not a very time consuming major for the most part, minimal studying and lots of time for the bar. Engineering sounds like it requires more studying than i do, not one of my favorite activities.