As many of you have read, Burpin needs to sell his cuda because he is in need of some cash. Many of you have offered assistance and have voiced a desire to help out by donating money to Burpin. As much as we all would like Burpin to be able to keep his car, he refuses to take the money and also keep the car. After discussions with Burpin, we've come up with a plan. The plan involves another member that many of you know, who has been on the board for 4 years now.... TheCudaGuy (CG). He is currently stationed in Iraq on his second tour of duty. A short time ago, one of our moderators received a call from his family and was asked if our board could figure out a way to acquire a cuda for him when he returns from Iraq. TheCudaGuy has NEVER owned a cuda.
Our donations could help two members at the same time. If we can raise the amount of money that Burpin needs, he has agreed to sign the title of his cuda over to TheCudaGuy. The amount we will need to raise is $20,000. I know this sounds like a lot, but the internet is a big place and Burpins' burnout is widely known. Maybe we can all help spread the word. We will have until April 1, to raise this amount. If the amount is raised, that money will go to Burpin and he will sign the title to the cuda over to CG. If the amount of money isn't raised by April 1, Burpin can decide to 1) Take the amount we have collected and sign over the cuda, 2) extend the date so we can keep contributing or, 3) sell the car to another party and we will use the money to purchase a different cuda for CG.
In either case, it would be great to use the 2007 Carlisle event to present CG with his cuda since he'll be there. That way many of the folks will be there to join in the celebration. I'm sure we could get the Carlisle Event's Staff involved along with some magazines... Talk about a Kodak moment!
The Secret .... I've been able to put CG into a members category that will NOT allow him to see the new "BurpinChunks' Cuda and TheCudaGuy" section (the one you're in right now)...everyone else has access.
So everyone needs to keep all the discussions about this plan exclusively within this section only! How to make donations: I have set up a new paypal account that will only be used for this purpose. The paypall address is . Take into consideration that paypal will usually take out a % for a fee, so if you would like to send a check, you can send me a private message or an e-mail at and I will send you my home address. I will then cash the check and move the money into that paypal account so it doesn't incur the fee. Whichever way you choose to donate, please be sure to put your name somewhere on your correspondence. As soon as I recieve any money, I will begin a locked thread that will list all the donation amounts (minus paypal fees) and a running total, along with all the contributors (unless you request to be listed as anonymous).
If you have any questions or comments, post them here. So, let's get Burpin the money he needs and CudaGuy a great welcome home present!!