We have been on the hunt for gator grain fabric for a vinyl top for our V1G Challenger for 6 years. Many of you kind people have forwarded me possible leads with names, phone numbers, websites, and classified ads, but unfortunately, they all led to dead ends...nobody had REAL gator grain material. We recently found a guy locally who works in the upholstery business. He works with a warehouse full of vinyl and after talking with him and showing him pictures, he assured us he had seen that pattern before in the warehouse and said he would look for it next time he was in the warehouse. Of course we thanked him, but never got our hopes up...we've been through this many times before. We called him yesterday and he said he had found it in the warehouse and we could come look at it. We were really surprised when we saw it...it was the real deal!! It has been in that warehouse for over 30 years!! I can't believe it!!!!! WE HAVE ORIGINAL GATOR GRAIN VINYL!!!!!