I wrestled with the decision to paint mine or by repops to. My panels were in reasonably good shape, so I decided to paint and if it didn't hold up I would just buy new ones. I washed them good with hot soap and water first then used the SEM cleaner (nasty stuff) on them. I believe they say to lightly sand panels (I used scotchbrite pads) and then clean with solvent again. After that you apply the adhesion promotor, wait between 15 and 30 minutes for it to flash, then apply light coats of dye. Stuff again is very toxic, smells like auto paint.
Don't know about long term durability but I believe someone on here has had their panels dyed for some time and have had no problems. Last night I tested them out by scratching fairly hard on them and nothing came up so I am happy. Will do front panels probably this weekend and post more pics...hopefully with more clear pics.