Thought it was kinda funny at first, but the attitude of "I would have just killed them" has a really scary overtone. Not that I think you meant it, but that is the sort of offhand comment that is making a lot of the world hate the American military and society in general.
Please don't think that I'm coming down on you personally CudaGuy, but I saw what the Vietnam war did to America and I am seeing the same thing happening again. The greatest country on earth, with the most caring, generous people alive, is falling down a big hole and may not recover.
If your comment, however innocent and said in humour, ever got into the media, some jerk would blow it all out of proportion (sorta like I'm doing now, probably) and make things just a bit worse for you guys over there. Ever see that episode in "Over There", where Smoke said something like that and it blew up on everyone?
Best of luck to you, and keep safe.