Nice whip and nice web site, did you check out Jegs they might have something.
What graphics tools and web authoring tools are you using to produce your web site?
I noticed a few pictures on your site maybe one of it at a strip. Did you ever take it down the strip and what times were you getting?
Yea, id like to find some used ceramic coated headers from someone. instead of spending about $300 on some brand spankin new ones.
i used photoshop to do the graphics on my page. I took it down the track with highway 2.76 (open), before the heads got some work, before the msd setup, and before i started fine tuning it and got a 15.0 @2000ft (converted to a 14.6 at sealevel). not too bad for the 318. Should be good for closeee to a 14.0 or so now, i maybe going to the track the 31st.