Glad to hear that you are in one piece! Everything else is cake...even if it's cake you don't like.
1. The perp appears to be "judgement proof". What this means is that a judge can award a judgement to you, but you won't be able to collect. In the state of Florida, judgements have to be renewed by the plaintiff every seven years. With a judgement against him, he won't be able to get a decent loan or sell titled property (i.e. a home).
2. You'll find that an attorney won't touch this on a fee for recovery basis because there is likely no one (i.e. big insurance company) to collect from. Last lawyer I priced out was $350 an hour!
3. I don't believe that you can garnish someone's wages for this type of situation, even if you were to win a judgement against him. You can take him to small claims court and get the judgement for your state's maximum amount and it is up to the judge to help you collect on that judgement.
4. Believe it or not, consider suing this guy in The People's Court. Here's why: the show covers some of the judgement. In other words, you will be compensated for being on the show and, if you win the judgement, you will receive at least part of the judgement value from the show. Good luck getting money out of this dork any other way.
5. Part out the car...better to start over than to section the rear of that thing.