I had just left an all Mopar car show in New Mexico, when I heard a waste gate popping to my right. As I looked over there's this young punk with the sideways b-cap reving his unknown euro car. At first I thought this guys gotta be
. I tried blowing him off as I wanted to conserve my fuel for the long trip back home. Well this punk kept following me as I made my way through town. By now I was surrounded by three more euros egging him on. Well now I was get'n
, he rolled up next to me on a straight away & we both punched it. I I left him and his buddies about a block b'hind me. I slowed down & he eventually caught up to me and had this dumb founded look on his face.
All I could do was stick my tongue out
& I punched it out of town. P.S it must'a looked pretty impressive to him and his buddies, little did they know , my gas pedal got stuck wide open, I just wanted to do a cool burn out