ill take the chance that this may become heated and reply, Q: will they provide better stoping on my car by simply bolting them on A: They appear to be a 4 piston caliper, so i would assume they provide greater clamping force and greater potential stoping, however on most street cars just bolting them on will not improve breaking. as most of us have noticed, jaming on the breaks too hard will cause the front wheels to lock up before the rears in a good working stock setup. these may only worsen that problem. in a heavly used system they may reduce "heat fade" due to high fluid temps..wilwood makes an exelent high temp fluid that helps this problem alot on a stock setup. for about $15 a pint. its not usually a problem on even a highly abused street car but on my circle track cars i did nead it with stock brakes. It would not be super hard to improve the stock rear drums and help the balance problem, but i dont see them as a bolt on and go setup. Q#2: How do i know that being a racing part the aluminum will handle thousands of miles of stop and go traffic without failure? racers are usually pretty good about checking over a race car after every race, but how often do street cars get the wheels pulled off to look at such things? A#2: nobody knows what thousands of miles of heat cycles are going to do to this light aluminum part. If they did (and it survived) it would have DOT aproval. Q#3: Being that this part is not DOT approved, If I install it on my Street car , and i Am involved in an accadent where brakeing Is even a thought, who can be held responsible for the accadent beacuase My car caused an accadent (even if it may not be the reason for the brake failure) A#3: Well it is NOT wiloods fault, they told me not to use them!!! so it is the INSTALLER (ME) who gets the lawsuit! point here is , that im not a brake engeneer, But the people who designed the factory system were, and spent a bunch of money on building a safe system that lasts, and is cost effective. untill there is an inexpensive SYSTEM that an aftermarket mfr can Gaurntee will be better and not fail in a few years time. I will not sugguest It to anyone looking for a street car system. and i havnt really even touched the area of cost comparison.