Make the car the way YOU want it. I understand the purist point of view, but that is the way THEY want their car so they can keep their car that way.
I personally can appreciate both views and that is what makes this hobby so great; what hurts the hobby is when people try to force their opinions as the 'only right' way of doing things. It's your money not theirs.
The best thing is, my brother is a purist, I am the modify type; makes conversation very intersting but we both respect each other's views and the bottom line is we have something in common that keeps us in contact much more regular than without it. Just for fun we even poke at the Challenger vs Cuda, which one looks better. (guess what, no one ever wins that one) . On occasion we discuss which one is faster... that one always turn into fun. (both of our cars would need the fred flinstone approach to move).