Hey M Clown, It was great to finally meet you
Your a class act for sure man
I apologize if I was a pain in the @ss with all the questions
but I greatly appreciated the input you gave me
I wanted to stop back like I said I would, but my brother got a bit queasy right after that
and we had to leave. I did not even get a chance to look anywhere, but I did get my sheetmetal
Glad you at least "broke even" .
Looking forward to getting together again.
Torred, we'll definitely connect in the future sometime. The 69 is on the back burner for a while, but if we could help each other out that would be great. Thanks much
Is there another swap meet in November? If there is count me in.
There were some beauties there for sale too. I can't decide between the 67 R/T, and the 67 Dart vert. They were both ridiculously bad@ss
The silver Duster only had 5500 original miles, that baby looked brandie new.