When you go to the track you will get 2, maybe 3, timed passes before eliminations. Take these runs, review variables such as driver's ability to cut a light, temp, wind, etc, make a prediction of what your next run would be time wise based on the above variables, and then post it on the car and try to run that number. Sand bagging by posting a slower number than you can run causes you to break out, or run quicker than your prediction, which could eliminate you. To win at bracket racing, two things are of paramount importance; cutting a good light, i.e. leaving as close to the actual green light coming on as possible, which means actually dropping the hammer before the green comes on. And running as close to your dial in as possible. It matters not if you run 8 seconds or 25 seconds, so long as you run right on it. This is where familiarity with your car becomes a big advantage.
I've actually found that being a slower car can work to your advantage. The faster car must wait in the staging lights until his green comes on. This gives him time to get and more and more anxious about leaving which can result in red lights and break outs as they try to catch you on the top end.