Last thought on the subject since you're obviously going to do whatever you think is right, whether it is lawful or not.
From Merriam Webster
Main Entry: Trespass
Pronunciation: \-ˌpas also -pəs\
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French trespasser to overtake, exceed, wrong, from tres to a high degree (from Latin trans beyond) + passer to pass — more at through, pass
Date: 14th century
intransitive verb
1 a : err, sin b : to make an unwarranted or uninvited incursion
2 : to commit a trespass; especially : to enter unlawfully upon the land of another
transitive verb
: violate <trespass the bounds of good taste>
— tres·pass·er noun
synonyms trespass, encroach, infringe, invade mean to make inroads upon the property, territory, or rights of another. trespass implies an unwarranted or unlawful intrusion <hunters trespassing on farmland>. encroach suggests gradual or stealthy entrance upon another's territory or usurpation of another's rights or possessions <the encroaching settlers displacing the native peoples>. infringe implies an encroachment clearly violating a right or prerogative <infringing a copyright>. invade implies a hostile and injurious entry into the territory or sphere of another <accused of invading their privacy>.