I just dont know how to speak what I think. I can say that I dont drink. I was beat all my life by my drunk mother tho. I still love her and now that she's close to 80, I still help her. I have had friends on drugs and helped them quit. I have seen what all that stuff does to a person and have always helped out. And no I wouldn't give up on my kids either. I know what alcohol is and what it does. I'm just saying bailing out is no sign of love. You can read it anyway you want to. Your post just sounds like a woe is me. But to me, you made it and she's still falling. I feel it's woe is her and hurray for you. I'm glad for you. Hope she gets help is all. To many fall through the cracks. A half dozen of my close realatives are dead due to alcohol, so that might be why I am this way. I was there for them with love and strenght. And there isn't any alcohol in my fridge. I also live in a dry county. I was an entertainer for 20 years, playing in night clubs and stuff, the temptation was there, but wisdom said no way. If we were friends, I would be all around you trying to help you deal with it just by being myself and keeping the temptation levels to as low a level as I could. I am no better then anyone else you'll ever meet, but I also have a value on life and friendship that is never ending. A broken heart can be fixed. A bad memory and anger will ruin your life. I'm glad you were able to quit alcohol, but the urge will always be in your mind. Some are stronger then others.