well open a Paypal account and I will wire some money in there on a regular basis if it helps. I'm sure it should. Any extra money left over from donations could go for a kitty collection to help in an annual get together, or raffle parts, or donations to members is need with health issues,or what ever creative Idea anyone could come with. Myself, I think it would be neat to have a person in each state to have a feed the homeless weekend. I know this is just me speaking, but I am a regular at helping anyone and everyone that's down. My life involves helping strangers in need. I don't never like to know anyone, or here their stories, (we all have that) I just like to see a smile on there faces when life gets a bit nicer for them for a brief moment. I have the back bed of my truck loaded down now with new coats, jeans, shirts, shoes, cooking items, coffee pots and such to make someone happy somewhere. Sorry about the ramblin on. But back to the remark. If you want free donations for cc.c, open an account. I will one of the first to help out....ALAN