Being as that I work for the lil group that enforces codes/laws against this I should not give advise etc....however if you are going to take the chance of relocating your building(along with yourself...
They do make a plastic that does have a flame spread rationg on it.
Make sure any fan you have (unless explosion proof type) brings air into the booth, not pull air out.
Lights should be explosion type as well or ssealed on the paint side...and open to the outside of the booth.
Although hundred will tell you they have been painting for 50 years and never had a problem...come to think of it those that did mostly are no longer with us... but a little protection has to be better than none...
Not like I am suggesting you get one of those suites the bombsquad
good luck!
O you will need something to hang your parts from and room to move around them...picture a fendr... or a hood... those are of good size.