I hate to be the one to say that it is pointless to sign. A good cause most for sure, but after doing some research MOST ALL internet petitions are invalid and when presented don't mean a thing. The reason they are invalid is because the petition has no way of verifying WHO ACTUALLY SIGNED.
I hate to say it but I wish all internet petitions to stop and their be a sole location for internet petitions that can be signed and verfied.
Now I know that I wouldn't want my name on a petition for crushing old cars, but if someone started a petition for that and just collected a bunch of names out of a bunch of phone books and put them on a list would they have a valid petition (just like the one you all signed)? This is the reason why the internet petitions are nothing more than a joke.
A new system needs to be developed to tap the potential of the internet and to get all the voices around the world to be heard. A sole location that can house a petition, validate the signer by SS#, IP address, DL# or another form of personal identification along with the name and address would be key. However doing that would really throw off the government and they wouldn't want that. Think of all the petitions people would start.
Very nice pcitures BTW