well, it's tuesday night. And I'm setting here in a Comfort Inn motel on I 95 3 miles from florida. I have a very low/weak signal for my laptop and no dial up access. Their wireless system is giving them troubles and me fits. I am going too try to keep this signal, but it goes in and out. plus I gotta get up at 5 am. To top it off, my wife is angry because I wont leave this job. Come to find out, they are in production and wont stop till tomorrow. I went through a safety and resperator fit test today all day. The product can kill me, and they usually have it all clean before I get here, but not tomorrow. And 1 small speck will cause serious affects. Gotta wear a suite, and rubber gloves and boots as well, with everything taped up....should be fun huh? I only got 2- 10 hr days and I'll be home.....Hope to break the record tonight...ALAN