Hope every one had a good Memorial day. We had a nasty fire here in the foot hills. It was raining ash and boy did it stink.
They asked for no BBQs because of the air quality. So more time to work on the car
We actually had a good time with Friends but on to the Twisted Fish.
I sanded my little fingers to the bone. The engine bay is now in prime. It amazes me how many hours you can sink in to something like this. I'm either really bad at body work or really anal but it seems I'm never happy with how it looks. Actually by the end of the weekend it made me smile to realize how little bare metal is left on the project. It really is getting closer and yes I am finally happy with the engine bay.
I also did some work on the valve covers ( coil covers.) They are ready to be sent to the powder coaters for a black wrinkle finish. Then they will get a Hemi logo in brushed aluminum.
I did a bunch of other little things painted a bunch of brackets and finished the front spoiler.
If your in California the Mopar Alley car show is coming up June 1st.